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Anxiety Links

Anxiety Links



How can therapy help with anxiety?


Anxiety happens when our body senses threat or danger. This triggers our sympathetic nervous system, flooding our body with adrenaline and we get ready to stay and fight or run. Our system is trained for survival from an early age and in the modern world many things can cause us to feel unsafe and insecure.


A counsellor can help you understand what causes these feelings. Being curious about what triggers us and when we feel unsafe can help us discover the underlying issues for our anxiety. Sharing our problems with an empathic, non judgemental listener can help us see them objectively.


We can use mindfulness, meditation and breathing techniques to help you regulate yourself. The more you know about what triggers you, the greater control you will have over your feelings.



Anxiety Links


Anxiety Care UK



Helps people with anxiety disorders.



Anxiety U


03444 775 774 (helpline)

07537 416 905 (text)



Advice and support for people living with anxiety.







Local MIND services


Side by Side online peer community


NHS Inform


No More Panic


Provides information, support and advice for those with panic disorder, anxiety, phobias or OCD, including a forum and chat room.


No Panic 


0300 7729844


Provides a helpline, step-by-step programmes, and support for people with anxiety disorders.




116 123 (freephone)


Samaritans are open 24/7 for anyone who needs to talk. You can visit some Samaritans branches in person.


Triumph Over Phobia  (TOP UK)



Provides self-help therapy groups and support for those with OCD, phobias and related anxiety disorders.


Young Minds


Fighting for young people’s mental health.

Let’s Work Together

Get in touch so we can start working together.

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